A message from Father Sam Philpott, our City’s Independent Champion for Children in Poverty
With the ending of Lockdown on the 19th July we are all looking forward to life returning to normal. But let us all make sure that Plymouth’s “normal” means we live in a fair city where everyone has the opportunity to aspire and succeed, and I mean everyone!
Let us all do our best to ensure the poorest among us, especially our children, thrive along with us. Plymouth Children in Poverty (PCiP) is working to eradicate poverty among the children of our city.
I can hear the reaction “Dream on!”
But it isn’t a dream, it is a goal.
We want a city that has no child living in poverty – a city where every child grows up in a decent home, has sufficient food, is healthy in mind and body and, taking advantage of learning opportunities that are the very best the City can offer, has a bright future in which each child reaches beyond the horizon, thriving in their personal, working and leisure lives.
That City isn’t a dream; it can and will be the reality if all of us join in the effort and work together to make it happen.
My role as the City’s Independent Champion for Children in Poverty is to encourage every citizen to get involved – as individuals, in our local government, in the corporate sector, in social enterprises, community groups and gatherings. We can make it happen if we all join in this effort.
Plymouth is the UK’s Ocean City. Let’s make it the UK’s first city where no child lives in poverty!