2019 PwC Annual Charity Quiz – now open for entries!!!!!
It’s back – following the phenomenal success of the PwC Annual Charity Quiz over the last ten years, PwC again invites your organisation to enter a team at our annual quiz on Thursday 3rd October at the Plymouth Crowne Plaza, with all funds going towards projects within the Plymouth Children in Poverty (PCiP) initiative.
This year PwC will again host a variety of rounds to give everyone a fair chance of getting a few questions right! On the night you can enjoy an evening of fun, scrumptious food and the chance to make a big difference to children in living in poverty in our City.
If you are able to join us, please let please let Michelle Jones know by e-mailing michelle.s.jones@pwc.com and let her know you will be entering a team. We want to significantly increase the number of teams this year to nearly 40 and so need everyone to enter! We had 26 last year.
Charity Quiz details:
Date: 3rd October 2019
Venue: Plymouth Crowne Plaza, Marina Suite
Time: 6.30pm for 7pm start
Dress code: Smart casual
Cost: £150 per team of 6
Cheques to be sent to: The Plymouth Drake Foundation, who have now established a separate fund for PCiP. Cheques should be payable to Plymouth Drake Foundation and all funds raised will be ring-fenced for PCiP projects. Please send your cheques for the attention of Caroline Perry, office manager at Plymouth Drake Foundation, Plymouth Science Park, Derriford, Plymouth PL6 8BX. If you need to make payment by another method, please let Caroline know and she will be happy to help i.e. payment by credit card.
About the PCiP initiative
Simply, corporates coming together to make a difference to Plymouth Children in Poverty. PCiP now has three live projects up and running and we will be providing an update on activities underway on the evening.
The issue of children in poverty, in Plymouth, is significant. The “Fairness Commission Report published in 2014 highlighted how a child’s life outcomes were wholly predictable, depending on the ward they were born into, with some wards in Plymouth experiencing child poverty levels in excess of 35%. The issue has worsened since the report. We will be providing an update on the issue on the night of the quiz.
Next steps …….
Your organisation’s next contribution towards making a difference and give your support to PCiP is to enter a team!